Your employees are your biggest expense but also your greatest resource. Sometimes it seems like labor costs just keep going up. Put that money to good work. The best way to do that is through excellent employee training. If you’re not training your employees on every procedure and looking for their feedback, you are not using that labor dollar to its fullest.
Getting started on a training program for your operation may seem to be a daunting task. But you can start small. Inquire with managers which tasks need the most focus on training. Your managers know what they see every day and what requires immediate attention. Not only will they be able to pinpoint what needs work, they can also help implement the training. A well trained employee is usually a happier one. Training can help reduce turnover. Training will make your operation a more desirable place to work.
The training grows on itself as well. Once you have some programs in place for basic procedures, you can have the employees train each other. You can implement a hierarchy of trainers and managers. They can be cross utilized. You’ll see employees take more pride in their work. I have seen employees really grow when they are training and being trained.
When you begin a training program, this assumes you have standardized procedures and policies in place. If you don’t already have them, it’s time to get to work on those as well. We can talk more about those in upcoming blog posts. Thanks for taking the time to visit the site.
David Wennerlyn